In last few decades, the role of active components of diet in human nutrition and health has become an important focus of research. A newproduct category that has emerged from it...
dr.sanjay agrawal ,a renowned pharmaceutical consultant and inventor ,has developed a revolutionary new formulation to improve the quality of life for Thalassemia patients. He has filed a patent application for the...
The union ministry of commerce and industry has called on pharmaceutical micro ,small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to invest in africa, citing its potential as a significant growth market and a...
The inaugural Session of iPHEX 2024 unfolding on August 28 All the international exhibition & Management centre in Noida will be hosted at the elegant banquet Hall, underscoring india’s role as...
Methylcobalamin proven effective for diabetic neuropathy, but regulatory delay stalls official ban lift Despite scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of methylcobalamin, particularly in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, the Union ministry...
he 10th edition of the International Exhibition for Pharma and Health care (iPHEX)-2024 kicked off in a big way on August 28 at the India Exposition Mart Limited (IEML) in Knowledge...
The 10th edition of the International Exhibition for Pharma and Health care (iPHEX)-2024 kicked off in a big way on August 28 at the India Exposition Mart Limited (IEML) in Knowledge...
The indian pharmaceutical industry is a key player in the Global market,known for its Robust Capabilities in Drug Manufacturing and research and development (R&D). As the World’s largest provider of generic...
It has been more than two years since the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) lifted ban on methylcobalamin, also known as vitamin B12. However, the apex food regulator...
Addressing the critical need for innovative and effective treatment in Thalassemia, Dr Sanjay Agrawal, a distinguished pharmaceutical consultant and inventor, with two decades of experience in research, has filed a patent...
To bring your health in harmony it is crucial to embrace the Nutraceuticals in daily life. Let’s begin with the term”nutraceuticals” which has gained significant traction in both scientific literature and...
There are various fiber products available in the market today, containing either a natural fiber,such as inulin, psyllium or β-glucan. Some are synthetically created products such as polydextrose (synthetic polymer of...
In the intricate web of healthcare, the pharmaceutical industry stands as a pivotal force, continuously evolving to meet the dynamic needs of global health. At the heart of this industry lie...
Conditions affect the levels of the key reported harmful chemical compounds in cookies, such as 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG), glyoxal (GO), and methylglyoxal (MGO). Monochloro Propanediol and glycidyl esters of fatty...
जै से-जैसे तापमान बढ़ता है, गर्मी से संबंधित बीमारियों, जैसे हीट स्ट्रोक, का खतरा चिंता का विषय बन जाता है, खासकर वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के लिए।
सवॉत्तम स्वास्थ्य की खोज में, हम अक्सर यह सुनिश्चित करने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं कि हमें अपने आहार के माध्यम से पर्याप्त पोषक तत्व प्राप्त हों। हालांकि, बहुत से लोग...
The pharmaceutical industry stands at the forefront of innovation and advancement, constantly striving to develop novel drugs and therapies to improve human health. At the heart this industry lies a critical...
In the quest for optimal health and well-being, the importance of antioxidants in our diet cannot be overstated. As we navigate through a world filled with environmental pollutants, stressors, and processed...
जैसे-जैसे तापमान बढ़ता है, गर्मी से संबंधित बीमारियों, जैसे हीट स्ट्रोक, का खतरा चिंता का विषय बन जाता है, खासकर वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के लिए। तापमान को नियंत्रित करने की शरीर की...
मै ग्नीशियम हमारे शरीर के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण खनिज है। यह हमारी कोशिकाओं को ठीक से काम करने में मदद करता है और हमारे चयापचय का समर्थन करता है। यह शरीर...
Vitamin K, often referred to as the “clotting vitamin,” is a fat-soluble nutrient that plays a multifaceted role in maintaining your overall health. While it’s widely recognized for its essential contribution...
बिस्कुट एक प्रिय नाश्ता है जो चाय के समय के साथ आता है, कुकी जार भरता है और भूख को संतुष्ट करता है। हालांकि उनके कुरकुरे, मीठे स्वाद के पीछे एक...
Antioxidants come up frequently in dis- cussions about good health and prevent- ing diseases. These powerful substances, which mostly come from the fresh fruits, and vegetables we eat, prohibit (and in...
शब्द मेलाटोनिन ग्रीक शब्द मेलास से आया है जिसका अर्थ है अंधेरा और टोनोस जिसका अर्थ है अंधेरे का हार्मोन। मेलाटोनिन को नींद के हार्मोन के रूप में भी जाना जाता...
अच्छे स्वास्थ्य और बीमारियों से बचाव के बारे में अ चर्चा में अक्सर एंटीऑक्सीडेंट का जिक्र आता है। यह शक्तिशाली पदार्थ, जो ज्यादातर हमारे द्वारा खाए जाने वाले ताजे फलों और...
हम जिस तेज-तर्रार दुनिया में रहते हैं, उसमें स्वस्थ दिमाग बनाए रखना उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण है जितना कि हमारी शारीरिक भलाई का ख्याल रखना। न्यूट्रास्यूटिकल्स, पोषण और फार्मास्यूटिकल्स का मिश्रण, संज्ञानात्मक...
Effective management of elevated triglycerides is crucial for reducing the risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) and preventing complications such as pancreatitis. While treatment often involves a combination of pharmaceuticals and...
In the world today everyone is looking for the next hot “superfood” which is a nutrition “magic bullet” approach to health. Superfoods are foods — mostly plant-based but also some fish...
कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता (एआई) और फार्मास्युटिकल उद्योग के के मेल ने एक क्रांतिकारी चिंगारी प्रन्न्यलित की है, जिसने इस क्षेत्र को अभूतपूर्व नवाचार और दक्षता के युग में आगे बढ़ाया है। जैसे-जैसे...
तनाव दैनिक जीवन की मांगों के प्रति एक मनोवैज्ञानिक और शारीरिक प्रतिक्रिया है जो व्यक्ति की सफलतापूर्वक सामना करने की क्षमता से अधिक होती है। तनावों के जवाब में, अनुकूली शारीरिक...
India: The marriage of artificial intelligence (AI) and the pharmaceutical industry has ignited a revolutionary spark, propelling the sector into an era of unprecedented innovation and efficiency. As technology continues to...
Our overall well-being is intricately linked to the intake of essential nutrients that support various bodily functions From fighting fatigue to promoting healthy vision and maintaining strong bones, these nutrients play...
The pharmaceutical induntry Bangladesh is rapidly emerging an multi-billion-dollar dermuoristrat opportunity ing significart growth at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR 156 per ont over the last five years. of This...
विटामिन K जिसे अक्सर क्लॉटिंग विटामिन कहा जाता है, एक वसा में घुलनशील पोषक तत्व है जो आपके समग्र स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखने में बहुआयामी भूमिका निभाता है। हालांकि रक्त के...
भारतीय खाद्य सुरक्षा और मानक प्राधिकरण (एफएसएसएआई) द्वारा मिथाइलकोबालामिन, जिसे विटामिन बी 12 भी कहा जाता है, पर प्रतिबंध हटाए हुए दो साल से अधिक समय हो गया है। हालाकि, शीर्ष...
स्तन कैंसर दुनियाभर में महिलाओं को प्रभावित करने वाली सबसे प्रचलित और चिंताजनक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं में से एक बनी हुई है, जबकि आनुवांशिकी और अन्य कारक इसके विकास में योगदान करते...
It has been more than two years since the Food Safety and Standards Autho- rity of India (FSSAI) lifted a ban on met- hylcobalamin, also known as vitamin B12. However, the...
ndia, with its diverse culture and rich history, is witnessing a transformative shift in lifestyle choices, particularly in the realm of fitness and health. The growing awareness of the importance of...
हम जिस तेज-तर्रार दुनिया में रहते हैं, उसमें स्वस्थ दिमाग बनाए ए रखना रखना उत्तना उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण है जितना कि हमारी शारीरिक भलाई का ख्याल रखना। न्यूट्रास्यूटिकल्स, पोषण और फार्मास्यूटिकल्स...
दुनिया में आज हर कोई अगले हॉट सुपरफूड की तलाश में है जो स्वास्थ्य के लिए पोषण जादूई गोली दृष्टिकोण है। सुपरफूड खाद्य पदार्थ है- ज्यादातर पौधे आधारित लेकिन कुछ मछली...
ट्राइग्लिसराइड्स (टीजीएल) एक ग्लिसरॉल अणु और तीन फैटी एसिड के एस्टरीकरण से बनते हैं, जो बाद में ऊर्जा आरक्षित प्रदान करते हैं। आहार संबंधी टीजीएल को आहार पथ से काइलोमाइक्रोन (सीएम)...
हृदय संबंधी कल्याण की यात्रा शुरू करने में कोलेस्ट्रॉल और ट्राइग्लिसराइड्स की जटिल गतिशीलता को समझना शामिल है। यह आवश्यक घटक, शरीर द्वारा उत्पादित और आहार विकल्पों से प्रभावित, हृदय स्वास्थ्य...
cholesterol, shedding light on the impact of dietary habits on their delicate equilibrium. We navigate through common foods that elevate cholesterol levels, unveiling surprising culprits that might be undermining heart health.
हमारे कार्यों को आसान बनाने के लिए मैन्युअल इनपुट/आउटपुट और प्रोसेसिंग को प्रतिस्थापित करने के लिए कंप्यूटर और सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग कृत्रिम बुद्धिमता का मूल उद्देश्य है। पिछले कुछ वर्षों से...
हमारे कार्यों को आसान बनाने के लिए मैन्युअल इनपुट/आउटपुट और प्रोसेसिंग को प्रतिस्थापित करने के लिए कंप्यूटर और सॉफ़्टवेयर का उपयोग कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता का मूल उद्देश्य है। पिछले कुछ वर्षों से...
हमा रे का र्यों को आसा न बना ने के लि ए मैन्युअल इनपुट/आउटपुट और प्रो सेसिं ग को प्रति स्था पि त करने के लि ए कंप्यूटरऔर साॅ फ्रटवेयर का...
हमारे कार्यों को आसान बनाने के लिए मैन्युअन इनपुट भाउटपुट और प्रोसेसिंग को प्रतिस्थापित करने के लिए कंप्यूटर और सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता का मूल उद्देश्य है। पिछले कुछ वर्षों...
हमारे कार्यों को आसान बनाने के लिए मैन्युअन इनपुट भाउटपुट और प्रोसेसिंग को प्रतिस्थापित करने के लिए कंप्यूटर और सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता का मूल उद्देश्य है। पिछले कुछ वर्षों...
The 7th International Conference on Digital Health which is being held from May 9 to 10, 2024 in Barcelona, Spain, has extended a special invitationto Dr. Sanjay Agrawal, Ahmedabad -based pharmaceutical...
डिजिटल डेटा में रोगी प्रोफाइल, उपचार के परिणामों और रोग पैटर्न में अभूतपूर्व अंतर्दृष्टि को अनलॉक करने की शक्ति है। जानकारी का यह खजाना सटीक चिकित्सा के लिए मार्ग प्रशस्त करता...
डिजिटल डेटा में रोगी प्रोफाइल, उपचार के परिणामों और रोग पैटर्न में अभूतपूर्व अंतर्दृष्टि को अनलॉक करने की शक्ति है। जानकारी का यह खजाना सटीक चिकित्सा के लिए मार्ग प्रशस्त करता...
जयपुर | स्पेन के बार्सिलोना शहर में आगामी 9 एवं 10 मई को आयोजित होने वाली इंटरनेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस ऑन डिजिटल हेल्थ के लिए शहर के डॉक्टर संजय अग्रवाल को कांफ्रेंस में...
शाह टाइम्स ब्यूरो अहमदाबाद। स्पेन के बार्सिलोना शहर में आगामी 9 व 10 मई को आयोजित होने वाली इंटरनेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस ऑन डिजिटल हेल्थ के लिए अहमदाबाद के डाक्टर संजय अग्रवाल को...
दर्शन ब्यूरो अहमदाबाद। स्पेन के बार्सिलोना शहर में आगामी 9 व 10 मई को आयोजित होने वाली इंटरनेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस ऑन डिजिटल हेल्थ के लिए अहमदाबाद के डाक्टर संजय अग्रवाल को कॉन्फ्रेंस...
शाह टाइम्स ब्यूरो अहमदाबाद। स्पेन के बार्सिलोना शहर में आगामी 9 व 10 मई को आयोजित होने वाली इंटरनेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस ऑन डिजिटल हेल्थ के लिए अहमदाबाद के डाक्टर संजय अग्रवाल को...
Cost-saving, time-saving, precise diagnostic, and operational techniques can be developed using Artificial Intelligence. India: The use of computers and software to replace manual input/output and processing is the basic aim of...
अहमदाबाद @ पत्रिका. स्पेन के बार्सिलोना शहर में आगामी 9 व 10 मई को होने वाली इंटरनेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस ऑन डिजिटल हेल्थ के लिए अहमदाबाद के डॉ. संजय डॉ. अग्रवाल अग्रवाल को...
The Indian pharmaceutical machinery sector plays a pivotal role in the pharmaceutical industry, contributing significantly to its growth and development. As the pharmaceutical industry continues to expand globally and domestically, the...
Globally, infertility affects about 15% of couples of reproductive age. It is defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after one year or more of unprotected sexual intercourse1. WHO has recognised...
The pharmaceutical industry plays a critical role in healthcare, constantly striving to develop and market innovative drugs and therapies. However, pharmaceutical companies also face unique challenges when it comes to marketing...
We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations on Dr.Sanjay Agrawal’s recent appointment as Technical Consultant to Alkomex USA. This is truly a testament to your exceptional expertise and invaluable contributions...
We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations on Dr.Sanjay Agrawal’s recent appointment as Technical Consultant to Alkomex USA. This is truly a testament to your exceptional expertise and invaluable contributions...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including coronary heart disease and stroke, are the leading causes of mortality and disability globally. Uncontrolled diabetes, dyslipidaemia and hypertension are the major modifiable risk factors for CVDs....
US-based pharma major Merck has announced that the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has
In the intricate world of pharmaceuticals, the Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) segment has emerged as a pivotal player, driving innovation, efficiency, and growth. This sector, often working behind the...
The pharmaceutical industry has witnessed a significant shift towards digital transformation in recent years. With technological advancements, pharmaceutical companies are embracing digital tools and processes to enhance their operations and improve...
There is considerable interest in the role of certain long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), in visual and cognitive development throughout childhood. The omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the...
Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent and concerning health issues affecting women worldwide. While genetics and other factors contribute to its development, adopting a proactive approach to self-care can...
Over the past decade, the Indian pharmaceutical industry has experienced significant growth and is on a trajectory to become a global hub for low-cost manufacturing and research and development (R&D). This...
Vitamin B12, commonly known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that is required for a variety of physiological functions in the human body. One of its active forms, methylcobalamin, is essential...
For over 116 years, The Antiseptic, a Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery is bringing important medical news to the world’s most influential physicians.Month after month physicians rely on The Antiseptic...
Othe past decade, the Indian pharmaceutical industry has experienced significant growth and is on a trajectory to become a global hub for low-cost manufacturing and research and development (R&D). This expansion...
There are two types of sugars in our diets: naturally occurring sugars and added sugars. Naturally occurring sugars are found naturally in foods such as fruits (fructose) and milk (lactose). Sugars...
जयपुर | फार्मा सलाहकार एवं शोधकर्ता डॉ. संजय अग्रवाल ने शोध के माध्यम से चिकित्सा क्षेत्र में कई आयाम स्थापित किए हैं। डॉ. अग्रवाल ने बताया कि मधुमेह न्यूरोपैथी मस्तिष्क और...
If we talk about the next frontier of pharmaceutical companies, it is undoubtedly digital marketing. The trend is not only scaling the consumer business but also introducing an array of consumer...
The pharmaceutical industry is vital in improving healthcare outcomes and driving economic growth. Bangladesh’s pharmaceutical sector has experienced remarkable growth over the past few decades, earning recognition at home and abroad....
Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent and concerning health issues affecting women worldwide. While genetics and other factors contribute to its development, adopting a proactive approach to self-care can...
The healthcare and pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is highly dynamic, experiencing significant changes in its structure and operations. Companies in the pharmaceutical business are shifting from a fully integrated company structure to...
Exciting News for Biotech Grads! Asprius Lifesciences, a pharmaceutical company in Gujarat, has made a significant breakthrough in treating Diabetic Neuropathy. This condition damages nerves in the body’s outer areas and...
The company is currently conducting clinical trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the FDC. If the trials are successful, the company plans to launch the treatment in India in...
Asprius Lifesciences, a pharmaceutical company based in Gujarat, has made a significant announcementregarding the development of a treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy, a condition that leads to nerve damagein peripheral areas of...
Asprius Lifesciences, a Gujarat-based pharmaceutical company, has developed a new treatment for diabetic neuropathy, a condition that causes nerve damage in the peripheral areas of the body. The company has filed...
For over 116 years, The Antiseptic, a Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery is bringing important medical news to the world’s most influential physicians.Month after month physicians rely on The Antiseptic...
અમદાવાદ. ભારતની સૌથી ઝડપથી વિકસતી સ્વદેશી સંશોધન-લક્ષી ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ કંપનીઓમાંની એક,ગુજરાત સ્થિત એપ્રિયસ લાઇફસાયન્સ, ડાયાબિટીક ન્યુરોપથીની સારવારમાં એક સીમાચિહ્ન હાંસલ કર્યું છે, જેશરીરના પેરિફેરલ વિસ્તારોમાં ચેતા નુકસાનનું કારણ બને છે, જે નબળાઇ,...
Gujarat‐based pharma company Asprius Lifesciences has announced that it has developed treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy, a condition that results in nerve damage in peripheral areas of the body. The company said...
The pharmaceutical industry is a vital component of global healthcare, with Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) being the crucial building blocks for producing various medicines. India, known as the “pharmacy of the...
The Covid-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on economies worldwide and has caused a global health crisis. The manufacturing sectors, including the pharmaceutical industry, have faced significant challenges during this period,...
ગુજરાત સ્થિત એપ્રિયસ લાઇફસાયન્સે, ડાયાબિટીક ન્યુરોપૃથીની સાર્વારમાં એક સીમાચિહ્ન હાંસલૅ કર્યું છે, જે રારીરના પેરિફેરલ વિસ્તારોમાં ચેતા નુકસાનનું કાર્ણ બને છે, જે નબળાઇ, નિષ્ક્રિયતાં અને લેક્ષણો તરફ દોરી જાય છે. FDC...
Ahmadabad.One of India’s fastest growing homegrown research-oriented pharmaceutical companies, Gujarat-based Asprius Lifesciences, has achieved a milestone in the treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy, a condition that causes nerve damage in peripheral areas...
(કેતન ખત્રીદ્વારા) અમદાવાદ,તા.૧૭ : ભારતની સૌથી ઝડપથી વિકસતી સ્વદેશી સંશોધન-લક્ષી ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ કંપનીઓમાંની એક, ગુજરાત સ્થિત એસ્પ્રિયસ લાઇફસાયન્સે, ડાયાબિટીક ન્યુરોપથીની સારવારમાં એક સીમાચિન્હ હાંસલ કર્યું છે, જે શરીરના પેરિફેરલ વિસ્તારોમાં ચેતા નુકસાનનું...
ભારતની સૌથી ઝડપથી વિકસતી સ્વદેશી સંશોધનલક્ષી ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ કંપનીઓમાંની એક ગુજરાત સ્થિત એસ્પ્રિય લાઈફસાયન્સે, ડાયાબિટીક ન્યુરોપથીની સારવારમાં એક સીમાચિન્હ હાંસલ કર્યુ છે. જે શરીરના પેરિફેરલ વિસ્તારોમાં ચેતા નુકસાનનું કારણ બને છે. જે...
ભારતના સૌથી ઝડપથી વિકસતી સ્વદેશી સંશોધનલક્ષી ફાર્માસ્યુટીકલ કંપનીઓમાંની એક ગુજરાત સ્થિત એપ્રિયસ લાઇફસાયન્સે ડાયાબિટીક ન્યુરોપથીની સારવારમાં એક સીમાચિહ્ન હાંસલ કર્યુ છે, જે ફિક્સ્ડ ડોઝ કોમ્બિનેશન સાથે આવી છે, જે પેરિફેરલ ન્યુરોપેથીની...
One of India’s fastest growing homegrown research-oriented pharmaceutical companies, Gujarat-based Asprius Lifesciences, has achieved a milestone in the treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy, a condition that causes nerve damage in peripheral areas...
ગુજરાત સ્થિત એપ્રિય લાઇફસાયન્સે ડાયાબિટીક ન્યુરોપથીની સારવાર માટે નવી દવા વિકસાવી પેટન્ટ ફાઇલ કરી છે. હાથ અને પગમાં તીવ્ર દુખાવો, પુરાવા-આધારિત દવાઓ, વ્યાપક સંશોધન અને વૈજ્ઞાનિક ફોર્મ્યુલેશન પર ચતુર ધ્યાન કેન્દ્રિત...
ભારતની સૌથી ઝડપથી સ્વદેશી સંશોધન-લક્ષી વિકસતી સ્વદેશી ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ કંપનીઓમાંની એક, ગુજરાત સ્થિત એસ્પ્રિંયસ લાઇફસાયન્સે, ડાયાબિટીક ન્યુરોપથીની સારવારમાં એક સીમાચિહ્ન હાંસલ કર્યું છે, જે શરીરના પેરિફેરલ વિસ્તારોમાં ચેતા નુકસાનનું કારણ બને છે,...
ગુજરાત ફાર્મા ઇન્ડસ્ટ્રીઝ માટે હબ ગણાય છે. અનેક કંપનીઓ મેન્યુફેક્ચરિંગ તેમજ સંસોધન મુદ્દે કામ કરી રહી છે. ગુજરાતમાં ફાર્મા કંપનીઓમાંથી પેટન્ટ ધારક કંપનીઓની સંખ્યા હજુ ઘણી ઓછી છે પરંતુ વિસ્તરણ અને...
The healthcare and phar- maceutical manufactur- ing industry is highly dynamic, experiencing significant changes in its struc- ture and operations. Companies in the pharmaceutical business are shifting from a fully integrat-...
Stress is a psychological and physical response to the demands of daily life that exceed a person’s ability to cope successfully. In response to stressors, a set of adaptive physiological processes...
The pharmaceutical industry has witnessed a significant shift towards digital transformation in recent years. With technological advancements, pharmaceutical companies are embracing digital tools and processes to enhance their operations and improve...
The pharmaceutical industry is vital in improving healthcare outcomes and driving economic growth. Bangladesh’s pharmaceutical sector has experienced remarkable growth over the past few decades, earning recognition at home and abroad....
जयपुर: जयपुर के जानेमाने फार्मा सलाहकार व शोधकर्ता डॉ. संजय अग्रवाल शोध के माध्यम से चिकित्सा क्षेत्र में कई आयाम स्थापित किए हैं। डॉ. अग्रवाल डायबिटिक न्यूरोपैथी क्षेत्र में चिकित्सकों को...
Dr. Stephen L. DeFelice, founder and chairperson of the Foundation of Innovation Medicine Crawford, New Jersey, coined the term “Nutraceutical” from “Nutrition” and “Pharmaceutical” in 1989.Health Canada defines nutraceutical as: a...
THE pharmaceutical industry is critical in developing and manufacturing life saving drugs and therapies. One key aspect of drug development is the use of fine chemicals, highly purified, specialised chemical compounds...
સિટીના ડૉક્ટર લંડન કોન્ફરન્સમાં મિથાઈલકોબાલામિન પર લેક્ચર આપશે
અમદાવાદઃ ડૉ. સંજય અગ્રવાલને લંડનમાં યોજાનાર એડિટર્સ ઓફ નર્સિંગ ઈ.નેશનલ જર્નલ ઓફ મેડિકલ રિસર્ચ હેલ્થ સાયન્સની કોન્ફરન્સ માટે આમંત્રણ અપાયું. ડૉ. સંજય પાસે હાલ 40 ફોર્મ્યુલેશન પેટન્ટ છે. 25-26 મેના રોજ...
The Phrase Natural Active Nutrients Refers To Goods Regulated As Medications, Food Ingredients, And Dietary Supplements. While The Term Is Not Always Defined The Same Way Depending On The Country, It...
The conference, which will took place on May 25 and 26, focused on Nursing and Healthcare, and Dr. Agarwal spoke on the topic of ‘Methylcobalamin and its utility’. Dr. Agarwal, who...
E XCIPIENT’s role in designing the different dosage forms does not require any introduction. These are addictive and need to be added in the formulation and the pharmacologically active substances. The...
IRA GLOBAL EVENTS officially confirmed that Dr. Sanjay Agrawal, Pharma Consultant and Inventor as an Organizing committee member and Speaker at our conference “International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Research”...
Copper (Cu) is a naturally occurring metal found in soil, water, and rocks. Nutritionally, it is an essential trace mineral found in some foods and in supplements. Copper has two oxidation...
In today’s world, where our immune systems are constantly under attack from pollutants, toxins, and unhealthy lifestyles, supporting our immune systems with proper nutrition and dietary supplements is more important than...
भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद (आईसीएमआर) का कहना है कि भारत में इन्फ्लुएंजा के मामले इन्फ्लुएंजा ए के उपस्वस्थ एच3एन2 के कारण बढ़ रहे है। इन्फ्लुएंजा ए के किसी अन्य उपस्वस्थ की...
नई दिल्ली | कोविड-19 के तीन साल हो गए हैं और हम अब इसे भूलने लगे हैं। लेकिन इस बीच बीते कुछ दिनों से एच3एन2 TRUST वायरस ने हमारी A उड़ा...
नई दिल्ली | कोविड-19 के तीन साल हो गए हैं और हम अब इसे भूलने लगे हैं । लेकिन इस बीच बीते कुछ दिनों से एच3एन2 FRIST वायरस ने हमारी नींदें...
नई दिल्ली- कोविड-19 के तीन साल हो गए हैं और हम अब इसे भूलने लगे हैं | लेकिन इस बीच बीते कुछ दिनों से दस्त- एच3एन2 इन्फ्लुएंजा के लक्षण में गैस्ट्रोइंटेस्टाइनल...
कोविड-19 के तीन साल हो गए हैं और हम अब इसे भूलने लगे © | लेकिन इस बीच बीते कुछ दिनों से एच3एन2 THRUST वायरस ने हमारी नींदें उड़ा दी हैं।...
कोविड-19 के तीन साल हो गए हैं और हम अब इसे भूलने लगे हैं, लेकिन इस बीच बीते कुछ दिनों से एचउएन2 इन्फ्लुएंजा वायरस ने हमारी नींदें उड़ा दी हैं. एच3उएन2...
बच्चे जैसे ही एच3एन2 इन्फ्लुएंजा के चपेट में आते हैं, उनको सिर में तेज दर्द महसूस होने लगता है। साथ ही सर्दी-जुकाम के लक्षण नजर आने लगते हैं। शुरुआत में ये...
कोविड-19 के तीन साल हो गए हैं और हम अब इसे भूलने लगे हैं। लेकिन इस बीच बीते कुछ दिनों से एच3एन2 इन्फ्लुएंजा वायरस ने हमारी नींदें उड़ा दी हैं। एच3एन2...
कोविड-19 के तीन साल हो गए हैं और हम अब इसे भूलने लगे हैं। लेकिन इस बीच बीते कुछ दिनों से एच3एन2 इन्फ्लुएंजा वायरस ने हमारी नींदें उड़ा दी हैं। एच3एन2...
आपके जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि 2010 में यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स ऑफ अमेरिका में सबसे पहले इस रोग की पहचान सुअरों में की गई थी। सुअरों से ही इस वायरस का...
इस साल मई में लंदन में होने वाले स्वास्थ्य सम्मेलन में भारत के डा संजय अग्रवाल व्याख्यान देंगे । नई दिल्ली में आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम में डॉ. अग्रवाल ने यह जानकारी...
नई दिल्ली। इंग्लैंड की राजधानी लंदन में आगामी 25 एवं 26 मई को एडिटर्स आफ नर्सिंग इंटरनेशनल जर्नल आफ मेडिकल रिसर्च हेल्थ साइंसेज की ओर से “एक्सप्लोरिंग द एडवांस प्रैक्टिसेस इन...
अंतरराष्ट्रीय कॉन्फ्रेंस में विशेष बुलावा , कर चुके हैं अनेक शोध अहमदाबाद. शहर के डॉ. संजय अग्रवाल को लंदन से खास बुलावा आया है। वे आगामी 25 मई से लंदन में...
जयपुर, समाचार जगत न्यूज । इंग्लैंड के लंदन में आगामी 25 व 26 मई को एडिटर्स ऑफ नर्सिंग ऑफ-इंटरनेशनल जर्नल ऑफ मेडिकल रिसर्च हैल्थ सांइसेज की ओर से’ एक्सरलोरिंग दा एडवांस...
जयपुर @ पत्रिका. एडिटर्स ऑफ नर्सिंग : इंटरनेशनल जर्नल ऑफ मेडिकल रिसर्च हेल्थ साइंसेज की ओर से 25 व 26 मई को लंदन में इंटरनेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस आयोजित की जाएगी। ‘एक्स्प्लोरिंग द...
Laxmi Yadav, Mumbai Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 08:00 Hrs Food Safety Standards Authority of India’s (FSSAI) draft guidelines on health supplements, nutraceuticals, foods for special dietary uses and special medical...
Laxmi Yadav, Mumbai Friday, December 17, 2021, 08:00 Hrs Healthcare experts have lambasted the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) for granting approval to methylcobalamin 1500 mcg tablet...
Laxmi Yadav, Mumbai Friday, December 10, 2021, 08:00 Hrs Rising rate of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and changing dietary habits have led to growth of Omega-3 fatty acids market in India...
Laxmi Yadav, MumbaiTuesday, November 16, 2021, 08:00 Hrs Drug makers are in a bind due to Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)’s dubious stand on approval of...
Bharat Biotech developed Covaxin in partnership with the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). By: Shardul NautiyalUpdated: Nov 13, 2021 11:58 AM Covaxin...
Laxmi Yadav, Mumbai Monday, November 8, 2021, 08:00 Hrs The pharmaceutical industry has sought intervention of Union minister of health and family welfare Mansukh Mandaviya in notifying removal of ban...
Methylcobalamin is an essential nutrient and ingredient required to treat vitamin B12 deficiency, in people with anemia, diabetes and neurological disorders. By: Shardul Nautiyal November 2, 2021 12:57 PM Methylcobalamin as...