Dr Sanjay Agrawal Leading Pharmaceutical Consultant and Editor-in Chief of IJMToday Introduction: In 2001, the Food and Agriculture...
Probiotics are live microbial supplements which are health promoting by virtue of their functional re-establishment and stabilization of microbial...
Dear Dr. Sanjay Agrawal , Otolaryngology Advancements meet!!! We came across your research on ‘Otolaryngology’ and found that your...
To Dr. Sanjay Agrawal Pharma Consultant & Inventor India Inovine Scientific Meetings cordially welcomes you to attend “International Summit...
Basically, probiotics are microorganisms that provide beneficial effects when human body takes them in the right amounts. Probiotics can...
Dear Dr. Sanjay Agrawal We are honoured to invite you as a Plenary Speaker or Organizing committee member to the 2nd...
Introduction: Hair is the fastest growing tissue in the human body: the average rate of growth is about onehalf...
Introduction There are various fiber products available in the market today, containing either a natural fiber, such as inulin,...